Vaccine Side Effects In Dogs

Vaccine Side Effects or Vaccine Reactions are likely to be more common than you think. They can occur when multiple vaccines are administered simultaneously. Think about those 5-in-1 or 9-in-1 products many breeders and vets use. Or even the combination of multiple vaccines given the same day — Parvo, Distemper, Bordetella, Lyme, Lepto & Rabies.

The more things happening at the same time, the greater the risk of an adverse vaccine reaction. This can also include having vaccines administered to your pet at the same time other procedures or stressful events may be taking place. For example, do not vaccinate your dog just prior to dental work or at the time of a surgical procedure.

Ideally, you ask your vet to create intervals between any vaccine administration of about 3 weeks. Yes, that may mean and extra vet visit, and perhaps an added cost — but it’s worth it.

Common Long-Term Vaccine Side Effects

While vaccinations are essential for safeguarding dogs against diseases, this practice poses potential risks that should be considered:

  1. Vaccine-Associated Sarcomas (VAS): In rare instances, repetitive vaccinations can trigger vaccine-associated sarcomas, a type of aggressive tumor that may develop at the vaccination site.

  2. Diminished Immune Response: Over-vaccination could result in a weakened or ineffective immune response, reducing the dog's ability to mount a robust defense against subsequent vaccines or infections.

  3. Autoimmune Complications: There's concern that excessive vaccinations may contribute to the onset of autoimmune disorders in susceptible dogs, wherein the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own cells.

  4. Allergic Responses: Over-vaccination may heighten allergic reactions to vaccine components or additives, causing skin irritations, itching, hives, or severe allergic manifestations.

  5. Stress and Discomfort: Repeated vaccinations may cause stress and discomfort in dogs, especially those with needle phobia or negative vet visit experiences.

  6. Unnecessary Expenditure and Resource Drain: Over-vaccination can lead to unnecessary costs for pet owners and potentially strain healthcare resources due to the administration of unnecessary vaccines.

  7. Undesired Immune Reactions: Over-vaccination might provoke unwarranted or excessive immune responses, potentially resulting in chronic inflammation or immune-mediated conditions.

  8. Long-Term Health Implications: The prolonged effects of over-vaccination, particularly multiple vaccinations in a short timeframe, remain not entirely comprehended, carrying potential unforeseen consequences.

To mitigate side-effects risks, it's important for pet owners to evaluate if a vaccine is truly needed for your pet or not. All vaccines except Rabies are considered optional. If you must administer any vaccine — separate them apart from others and detox after. Going in with a strong healthy body, an uncompromised immune system is essential.

cute puppy laying on colorful blanket

Short Term Side Effects of Vaccines Reactions In Dogs

  • pain at the injection site

  • fever

  • lethargy

  • inappetence

  • lameness

  • vomiting / diarrhea

  • anaphylactic reaction / hives / swelling

  • seizures

  • tumor formation (did you know this is why some shots are delivered in the shoulder? In case it has to be amputated)

  • shock

  • death

One of the greatest concerns is that we don’t know which dogs may react to the vaccine or if it will be the first vaccine they receive or some years later. I hear all too often “he’s never had a problem before” as a response to a major crisis. Any reaction is a warning you should consider relative to any future vaccine.


What To Do If Your Dog Has a Vaccine Reaction

If you think your pet is suffering from a vaccine reaction call your vet immediately. Most cases of vaccine reactions are never reported to manufacturers and many are never reported to the veterinarian. This contributes to the narrative that vaccines are safe and can be given without worry.

Side effects usually start appearing a couple of hours after the shot, but they can also take days, and years, to appear. The most severe medical reactions are generally seen within a few minutes.

Long-term effects can be medical or behavioral. Seizures & neurological issues, auto-immune issues, digestive issues, and allergies are not uncommon. But we also can see aggression, anxiety, fears and other behaviors present themselves. For my behavioral cases — this is a topic we are going to explore extensively.

Reactions to vaccines may be life-threatening and veterinary care is required. Homeopathy and essential oils in these cases may still be beneficial en-route to the vet. We should report all vaccine reactions We are led to believe many of them are normal.

Once we know any immediate crisis is diminished, call me to discuss nutrition, detox, antioxidants, immune support, homeopathy, essential oils or perhaps a consult with a holistic practitioner by phone if not locally available to you.

We can’t always “fix” vaccine injury — but we may be able to make a tremendous improvement.

Before You Vaccinate Next Time

If your pet has had previous reactions to any vaccines, medications or products — the next time you use them could be far worse. Please do your research and make informed decisions. There are steps we can take a few weeks in advance to prepare for vaccines, detox protocols to follow immediately, and discussions on questions to ask you vet and manage the schedule.

Your best option is prevention.

When vaccines are required — ask me about detox protocols!


Vaccines Lower Immune System


Ingredients In Dog Vaccines