Pet Health Coaching Services
Thank you for reaching out and expressing interest in my pet health and canine nutrition services. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to assist you and your furry friend on the journey to optimal health and well-being.
I understand how important your pet is to you. My goal is to provide personalized, comprehensive care that addresses your pet's unique needs. With my expertise in canine nutrition and health coaching, essential oils | aromatherapy, herbs, homeopathy and other wellness modalities, you can be confident that you are making a positive and informed decision for your pet's future.
I look forward to working closely with you to develop a tailored plan that promotes your pet's health, vitality, and happiness. Whether it's addressing specific health concerns, creating a balanced diet, or enhancing overall wellness, I am here to support you every step of the way.
Once again, thank you for considering my services. I am excited to embark on this journey with you and your beloved pet.
Is your dog facing a Cancer Diagnosis? You can receive an initial no-cost consultation. Just ask.
Single: $150
One (1) 60-Minute Zoom
Perfect to cover your questions within the allotted time such as as:
Review a wellness protocol.
Supplement Review
Ask questions about your current food or recipe.
Be prepared to take notes during your call.
FullScript Account Access w/ 10% discount
10% Discount on Forum Access
30-minute follow-up calls are available after your initial consult $75
Silver: $350
Save over 6%
Perfect for the stable dog and reviewing food choices, lab results, Detox Diet, new supplements and protocols, senior/aging pets, etc.
One (1) 60-Minute Zoom Consult - Recorded for healthy dogs with Follow-up Summary. Includes Prep-Time.
3 (three) - 30 minute check-in calls within 30 days.
Access to 1 Protocol or Wellness Guide
1 Customized Homemade or Crockpet Recipe with documentation
60-day access to private client community for Q&A with me, updates, discounts, and resources. Option to extend @ a discount.
FullScript Supplement Dispensary Account Access w/ an ongoing 20% discount
gold- $550
Save Over 8%
Perfect for dog challenged with allergies, intolerances, ailments, long-term conditions, those needing custom support, custom recipes & protocols or those pet parents who need a need a little more 1:1 support.
May be considered for multiple dogs (ask me!)
One (1) 60-Minute Zoom Consult - Recorded with Follow-up Summary. Includes Prep-Time.
6 (six) - 30 minute check-in calls within 60 days
Access to Documented Guides and Protocols as needed during package
90-day Access to private client private client community for Q&A with me, updates, discounts, and resources. Option to extend at a discount.
FullScript Supplement Dispensary Account Access w/ an ongoing 20% discount
Platinum - $700
Save Over 16%
Perfect for recovering dogs, ailment support, autoimmune disorders and complex diagnoses to create integrative wellness strategies that require time to improve and extra 1:1 time.
One (1) 60-Minute Zoom Consult - Recorded with Follow-up Summary. Includes Prep-Time.
12 (twelve) - 30 minute check-in calls within 180 days.
Access to Documented Protocols as needed during package
1 Year Access to private client private client community for Q&A with me, updates, discounts, and resources. Option to extend at a discount.
FullScript Supplement Dispensary Account Access w/ an ongoing 20% discount.
At the end of your first consultation, if you are not satisfied with your experience, I will refund the consultation fee.
Ask me about multiple-dog package offerings.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Ask Me About Lifetime Programs