Ingredients In Dog Vaccines

There could be as many as 20 ingredients in your dog's vaccine, including Thimerisol -- quite similar to mercury. So often we ask for mercury-free, but are not told about Thimerisol. You need to ASK explicitly.

Other ingredients might include: animal proteins (think egg) --which is sometimes why we see the development of poultry allergies. We may also see antibiotics and formaldehyde.

Because there are so many ingredients in some vaccines -- it may be very difficult, if not impossible to determine which your dog is allergic too.

Did you know your vet is NOT required to report a vaccine reaction? We've been led to believe reactions are "normal" and "acceptable" -- including lethargy, swelling, pain, redness, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.


Vaccine Side Effects In Dogs


Ensuring the Health of Your Dog: Vaccination Considerations