Ensuring the Health of Your Dog: Vaccination Considerations

Vaccinating and Unhealthy Dog

For the optimal health of your canine companion, it's crucial to be well-informed about vaccinations, especially when dealing with dogs facing significant health challenges or compromised immune systems.

Vaccinating dogs with underlying health issues can increase the risk they may not mount a sufficient immune response and could experience adverse effects from the vaccine. This caution is outlined in vaccine insert documentation and should be thoroughly discussed with a veterinarian prior to administering any vaccinations to an ailing dog. Always ask your vet to provide and review the package insert with you.

What Dogs Should Not Be Vaccinated

It's essential to establish a clear understanding of what constitutes an unhealthy state for your dog in collaboration with your veterinarian. Dr. Barb Fox, speaking at a recent animal wellness conference, highlighted that dogs with certain conditions should avoid vaccination, such as cancer, liver disease, kidney disease, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, allergies, pancreatitis, previous vaccination reactions, a history of seizures, and current health conditions (including issues like active kennel cough or respiratory problems). This includes any condition that affects optimal health or any other chronic health issues, as well as dogs recovering from or about to undergo surgical procedures.

Holistic veterinarians emphasize the importance of not vaccinating unhealthy dogs, a perspective echoed in vaccine inserts that clearly state "Vaccinate Only Healthy Animals." It's essential to be an advocate for your pet, conducting thorough research and engaging in open discussions with your vet. Consider pushing back when needed and exploring the possibility of obtaining titers where applicable.

Before heading to your vet's office, take the time to educate yourself about the risks of overvaccination in dogs and understand your dog's unique needs and risks. Additionally, don't hesitate to ask your veterinarian for a waiver or exemption if your dog is in an unhealthy state. Your dog's health and well-being should always be the top priority.

Read More About the Risk of Overvaccination in Dogs and understand your dog’s needs and risks before you get to the vet’s office!

Ask your Veterinarian for a Waiver / Exemption if your dog is unhealthy.


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