Cooling Food Choices For Dogs

TCM Foods Warming, Neutral or Cooling

Traditional Chines Medicine tells us that when we feed the body according to its natural or seasonal element: Earth, Metal, Fire, Water, Wood. Each of us is different and will respond differently.

When our natural system is out of balance, we can see behavioral issues, health issues, and many other fascinating clues that help us determine how to bring balance back to the being.

This will be something we discuss for the individual animal — but when you are suggested to use foods that cool or warm, this is a good place to look for options.

Learn more About the Energetics of Protein and Behavior. I tend to make the most changes to protein sources for dogs with allergies, aggression, and anxiety into cooling proteins. And warming proteins for our seniors. The key is a good evaluate to make sure you’re looking at the big picture and choosing the right foods for the individual.

Read More About The Seasons of 5 Element Theory:

Season of Earth
Season of Fire
Season of Metal
Season of Water
Season of Wood


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