Vaccination Disorder In Dogs

I wish to share with you my considerations about the recent advisement from health and government officials of the intention to have mass, perhaps mandatory, vaccinations. This will not be a scientific piece in the usual sense as the view I want to take is stepping further back and looking at the overall dynamic, how it functions.

What I mean is that it is easier for us to understand the situation if we don't get caught up in too much detail. I think of it like explaining to someone how to drive a car. You can say to them that turning the car involves rotating the wheels with a series of gears and cables (all described) vs. just showing them how turning the steering wheel does it.

You will notice the misspelling of the word in the title and I did that purposefully as a number of posts about this topic, using the indicated word, have been taken down from facebook. I have the naïve idea that spelling it this way may prevent that. As further precaution, rather than using the word in what follows I will use the letters “VX” instead.

 When I went through my graduate work at Washington State University, in the department of microbiology, the focus of my study and research was on immunology and virology. It was fascinating, and I took away some understanding I will share with you.


If you are presented with the idea of this procedure for the first time you likely will be impressed with the cleverness of it. A wonderful capability of the immune system is to literally learn how to recognize a germ (virus, bacteria, fungus, whatever) and to remember it. This was a step beyond the basic idea of having resistance to a disease. Not only is there resistance but, as well, a record could be made of it in case of future encounters with the same germ. This is amazing, isn't it? To put it in more human terms, the immune system is able to identify and then remember the encounter. It is a form of memory.


This mechanism is explained in terms of certain cells of the immune system processing some piece of the virus or other germ, presented to them, and to make a specific protein molecule that goes out in the blood and attaches to the offending buggers. These we call antibodies. They don't really inactivate (kill) the virus or bacteria directly but rather act as a flag to the cells that have this purpose that are circulating all through the blood and the body at all times. It brings attention to the germ and it is quickly eliminated. It is like a sign that says “kick me out.”


There are other cells have a similar function and these are ones that do not produce antibodies but rather go out directly to track down and eliminate the germs. We call these “killer cells.” Let us put these aside for now and concentrate on the ones that make antibodies as that is the goal of using a VX.

Understanding this mechanism, you can understand the idea of a VX is establish this recognition and memory without having to go through the actual disease. You can see why this is appealing. Unfortunately it is not that simple.


We must first recognize that we are attempting to mimic a natural process – which means we have go through the same steps to be the same process. Let us then first consider what the natural disease dynamic is and this will be our standard we can use to evaluate the VX imitation.



Let us talk viruses to make it simple. If a person comes in contact with another person spewing viruses into the air or leaving secretions on what they touch, then the exposed person will first have the virus come into their body in some way. Often this is through the respiratory process but also can be through the gastro-intestinal tract. In either case the virus will make contact with the membranes lining those passages. As they are so small they easily penetrate into the tissues. In the healthy person there are millions or billions of cells waiting just for that to happen and they gobble up the invaders and that is the end of the story. (I posted on this already, calling those cells the guardians.)


The first thing to bring out about this is why the virus sometimes gets through this natural barrier. There are two primary reasons.

1) These is a large number of viruses coming in, millions, and it is too many for the defender cells to handle.

2) There are not very many defender cells as they have been used up trying to fight air pollution or other stressful, toxic, environmental influences.


The first possibility, exposure to large numbers is not likely by just coming near someone that has the virus infection but is more so if you were in close association for some time — like caring for them. The second possibility, the weakened state from dealing with other things like contamination from chemicals, pollution, is the most common factor in today’s world. Wouldn't you think that attention would be given to this? But is is not. Medicine pretty much ignores it and instead focuses on the virus, blaming it for the problem.


Well, let’s assume the viruses get through, at least a significant number. They are in the fluid around the cells, the tissue fluid, and they follow the flow of that fluid as it moves through the tissues and further into the body.


You might ask “Why does not the virus just grow in those cells nearby?” The answer is that the virus has an intention, a plan. This is difficult to appreciate but the virus is an intelligent being and it has a plan in mind, so to speak. You will notice with many diseases that the infection ends up in some part of the body. Like a cold virus will affect the nose, perhaps throat, larynx, maybe the bronchial tubes. In contrast, chicken pox grows in the skin. When you look closely at these diseases you will find that almost always there is a specific area in which they want to grow. So their intention is to reach that part of the body. Yes, they have intention.


From the fluid around the cells where they got in, they drain to lymph nodes which are small glands you can feel in your throat, in the arm pits, etc. There are hundreds all throughout the body. In these nodes is concentrated a large number of other cells that will try, again, to destroy the virus. So the viruses have to navigate that. If they do go further, they drain down through the lymph symptom finally reaching veins in the upper chest where the fluid once again enters the circulation.

Now the virus is in the blood, but not without threats to it. As they circulate they pass through the spleen and liver loaded with more cells that will eat them up if they can.


But we continue. If the virus gets through all of this, and travels through the blood, it finally gets to its destination, where it wants to grow. There it enters the cells and begins to reproduce itself.


As it has been making this transit, the viruses that did not make it are eaten by the cells that get to them and some of these cells also have the job of taking some of these digested pieces of the virus to the places in the body where the cells that make antibodies live. These messenger cells actually present the pieces to the antibody making cells for that purpose. They basically say “Here you go. This is the one to work on.” This is amazing, isn't it? Can you grasp how intelligent this is that there are cells that know to take a piece of the virus quite some distance away and present the pieces to the cells that know how to make antibodies? I want to emphasize here that this process of taking information to the antibody cells starts as soon as the virus gets into the body and is a continuing process. It takes about a week or so for this to come to completion and the antibodies to enter the blood.



I have presented this in a simple way to hopefully make it understandable. If you have been able to grasp it, and have the idea of the natural process of infection, we can then compare that to the action of a VX. Before we do that I also want to emphasize that this step-wise procedure I have described is a highly developed, sophisticated, defense mechanism that has developed over thousands of centuries. This is the way the immune system expects to handle such a threat. Do you understand the importance of this? That this is way the process happens?


Now we compare this to the VX. In a word, this extraordinary natural process, just described, is bypassed. There is no original entry, alerting the guardian cells, or starting them in the communication of this invasion to the rest of the immune system. There is no travel of the virus through lymph nodes, spleen, liver, encountering cells in the blood that send off chemicals, alerting the immune system to what is happening, getting it ready.


In contrast, the VX is given by an injection and within 10-15 minutes the virus, and other stuff in the VX, is in the blood circulating. The immune system did not know this was coming. Not only did it not know this, but has never encountered an infection like this before. All other infections go through the process described. This is what it has been doing for thousands and thousands of years. It has no experience with this new event and it is completely shocking.


If we can put it in more human terms, it is like you have set up your home to have maximum security, with locked doors and windows, perhaps a wall about the yard, guard dogs, security alarm, etc. You get the idea. So what will happen if there is a break-in is a warning to you that this is happening. You will hear the noise, hear the dogs barking, see the activity, and be able to prepare for that.


Compare this to the VX process. You have this well secured house and are sitting in your living room enjoying the evening — only to turn to see a robber sitting in the chair with a gun. How the hell did he get in here? Why didn’t I hear something?

This is what it is like for the immune system. There is no warning and suddenly the threatening invader is right there. It has never happened in nature before (until our modern times) and basically our systems are not enabled to deal with it.


The thing to take away from this is that the event is extremely shocking to the immune system. It reacts the best it can, but this is where mistakes happen. In the frantic response, it can identify something in the vaccine (other than the virus) as part of the threat. This can be a protein from the cell culture the virus is grown in, a protein that is normal in your body — like your kidney cells, or collagen (connective tissue) — that is seen as expression of the invader. Antibodies are made against it.


This is how the auto-immune diseases get started.



We have, so far, set up a model of how the VX process is different and why that can be a problem. There are other negative outcomes possible but perhaps we should save that for another discussion. At this point I want to communicate a basic understanding with will be a context for bringing up other considerations.


To reiterate this, the idea here is that we have, as a natural and very sophisticated process, a way to deal with infections and toxic substances that get into the body. In contrast, the VX practice ignores this natural process and has the arrogance to forcefully challenge the immune system in a way it is not prepared to handle. In a way, it is a lack of respect. It is also not surprising that it is done, as not respecting the natural process is, unfortunately, something that happens frequently.


Until next time... (Content from Dr. Richard Pitcairn)

Read More About the Risk of Overvaccination in Dogs and understand your dog’s needs and risks before you get to the vet’s office!


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