Emotional Roots In Behavior & Health

Using Essential Oils to Address Emotional Roots of Disease & Behavior

Our pets are emotional beings too. Many of us have difficulty dealing with our own emotions. And many of us don’t stop to think that our dogs may have emotion and that we, or they, or both are holding on to those emotions & keeping ourselves or them stuck, or even contributing to their health issues.

Your dog often acts as a mirror of your own emotions. Even if not verbally expressed. And sometimes even when we don’t actually admit them to ourselves.

Your dog is always here to teach you something. To give you something far beyond affection and companionship. They are far more in-tune with energy and frequency than you and I are. They pick up energy - including our own. They absorb it and sometimes reflect it back.

But like us, they store emotions in their bodies and organs. Yes, I know your first reaction is that’s nonsense — but open your mind and your heart to the possibility. Hear me out and let’s talk about how this may be applying to your pet’s health and behavior today — and what it may become if we don’t deal with it in some way.

You’ll hear me reference Traditional Chinese Medicine 5 Element Theory — it draws on these principles. Food is a major factor in bringing balance and harmony to the systems of the body. A body out of balance may present with health concerns or behavior concerns — or both.

In TCM we’ll say something like “anger (aggression in our dogs) lives in the liver”, anxiety & fear live in the kidneys, worry and stress live in the stomach, grief in the lungs. We need to drill into this for the animal & the family dynamic too. It’s there we can start to take an action and supportive approach that training simply cannot achieve on it’s own.

Bringing in essential oils to the “whole” approach of holistic wellness may help us achieve even more. While the text below is written about people — consider your dog’s limbic system & olfactory system and you should see easily how this applies to them too.

Let’s talk. Let’s work on this for your dog. And even if we know that training is required — be open to the inclusion of the emotional & energy work that may help us achieve a far better result. The possibilities are amazing.

For More on this topic listen to my podcast with Dr. Barb Fox below:

One of the unique aspects of essential oils is the fact that, when inhaled, they go directly to our emotional and spiritual centers in the brain. These are organs that respond only to aroma. They do not respond to spoken words or to substances that cannot pass the blood-brain barrier. The molecules of essential oils are of the right composition and size to pass through the blood-brain barrier, something most prescription drugs and most other substances cannot do.

Even water does not pass through the blood-brain barrier, which is a good thing, or else our heads would all swell up like watermelons if caught in a rain storm. But essential oils do pass through, which is one of the secrets to their amazing therapeutic abilities. They can reach into our emotional brains and unlock forgotten feelings that are the roots of our physical problems.

Essential oils also address the roots of our problems at cellular levels, right down to the DNA inside the cells. They cleanse the cells, protect them from hostile microbes, delete incorrect information in cellular memory, and reprogram proper information so that the cells have a correct job description and can function as God intended.

This is possible because essential oils are more than a mixture of chemicals. They have ultrasonic vibrational properties that go beyond the physical laws of this universe and extend into the subtle energetic template that underlies the material world, which is the source and model for all material manifestations

"Reprinted from The Raindrop Messenger, a free e-line newsletter, with permission from Dr. David Stewart. To subscribe or download back issues, visit www.RaindropTraining.com."

 Download my Guide For Raindrop Technique for Animals

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