Epsom Salt Soak For Dogs

I often recommend to my clients to do an epsom salt soak for their pets who may be having a flair-up with their skin as a result of food intolerances, skin irritants, and the detox process associated with changing food from kibble to raw dog foods.

Epsom Salts Benefits

  • Reducing Inflammation

  • Relieving Tired and Achy Muscles

  • Drying to Moist Skin Issues

  • May improve nerve function

  • Gently soothe injured skin

Epsom Salts With Essential Oils Is Even More Effective

We can use essential oils with Epsom salts to draw out impurities and help soothe the skin even further.

Your choice of oils will be contingent on the specific issue you’re trying to address but you cannot go wrong with

Copaiba, Lavender, Frankincense and Tea Tree. Yes, I said Tea Tree which is an excellent oil for skin health when used for short periods of time in the proper applications.

Simply Add 1-2 drops of each essential oil directly to the salts and stir (before adding to the water)

You’ll need 1 cup of Epsom Salts per Gallon of Warm Water. So the depth and size of the tub or bowl is important.

Allow your dog to stand in this mixture of water for 10-15 minutes.

Rinse with clean clear water and gently dry.

Epsom Salts Rinse

If the area is not easily accessible by standing in bath water, you can use the mixture as a rinse. Pour over your dog slowly, small amounts at a time, and let it naturally run off the body. You’ll want to have this area rinsed multiple times over several minutes.

Rinse with clean clear water and gently dry.

Frequency of Epsom Salt Soaks

You can soak your dog 1-2 times per day, for several days. But you must monitor the effectiveness of improvements. If things are not improving as expected, please consult your vet or health care practitioner.

Do not allow your dog to drink this mixture.

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