Detoxing Dogs With Essential Oils
Detox Protocols for Dogs
Helping the cells and organs of the body begin to heal.
Let's talk Detox. There are a couple of different areas for you to start to understand.
Detox typically refers to a regimen aimed at removing toxins from the body through diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes. The goal is to support the body's natural processes for elimination and improve overall health. Detox protocols can vary and may include reducing exposure to certain foods or substances, increasing water and fiber intake, and using specific supplements, herbs or essential oils.
Many of us are starting to explore how we can detox our own systems & our dogs. We're considering that years of unhealthy eating, exposure to harsh chemical loads, etc must mean we need to detox something. But what exactly or how?
As you begin incorporating essential oils into the system, there is going to be some natural detox. It's all about bringing OUT things the body is holding onto that it should release. Essential Oils can help cleanse receptor sites so that when better nutrition or supplements go into the body they will actually work better!
Sometimes when we start using essential oils to support systems of the body things may seem to get worse before they get better. As you begin supporting the systems of your body you could experience what looks or feels like red bumpy skin, upset tummies, etc. The Raindrop Technique often brings to light temporary markers on the skin that are a form of detox. We don't want you to panic!
Certainly, observe and monitor, but don't panic. This is why a well-educated mentor is essential as you begin using oils.
Some of us may want to try to create a detox or flushing of the systems.
For you -- we often suggest adding bit of lemon or peppermint to your drinking water to support system flushing. For your dog, you can consider putting a bit of essential oil into the water -- but you should have a second fresh bowl available. We often see the dog choose the bowl with oils when they need them.
Oils to consider might be lemon (flushing), and peppermint (digestive & cooling -- a favorite in the summer or competition sports).
Overall, detox is a good thing.
You must realize that it won't be effective if what you continue to put into or onto the body doesn't change to include better nutrition, less toxic chemicals, and fewer unhealthy choices. Maintenance of healthier bodies may include supplements as well. There are several I can recommend and will share with you in my detox protocols. Ask me about them!
Essential oils like Ledum and Ylang Ylang could be applied as well to support the liver. Juniper or Ledum can support the kidneys. Lime and Cilantro can help detox heavy metals. Other systems of the body can be supported with other oils.
You can even have an emotional release (detox). Remember that organs of the body store emotions. So as we detox the organ, we may be releasing deep seated emotions. I personally have experienced this, and I've seen in animals. It can surface in a number of ways -- some more unpredictable than others.
This again is why having a good educator & consultant is important. I hope you'll let that be me!