Young Living is so much more than essential oils!

Grab your Product Guide and flip through it, and you’ll see that Young Living also has some amazing supplements, cleaning products, animal care, skincare, and so much more!

Did you know that the average American home contains over 63 hazardous products? From antiperspirants to perfumes to air fresheners, we have been unknowingly ingesting tons of chemical compounds that our body is unable to handle. And we trust those products because they are sold at the store in a nice bottle with a pretty label. We breathe in chemical vapors from our household cleaners, we absorb chemicals into our skin as we shower and brush our teeth. Check your toothpaste! If it says to call poison control for swallowing, that’s not a good sign! 75% of American homes use synthetic air fresheners and candles that contain numerous amounts of chemical agents that have been linked to cancer.

Formaldehyde is in air fresheners and candles!!! When you see the term “fragrance” remember that it can include up to 300 toxic chemicals and just say “fragrance!” Formaldehyde is known to disrupt the endocrine system. The endocrine system produces and manages hormones through a complex system of glands (pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, ovaries, and testicles). These hormones control several important functions in the body, like growth, reproduction, blood pressure, and food utilization. You do NOT want this system disrupted! These products affect your pets as well -- perhaps even more.

EWG ( has an awesome website that will help you make sense of what’s safe and what’s not. I also use the “Think Dirty” app on my phone regularly. I don’t buy anything new until I’ve scanned it with my app first. If it scores anything higher than a 4, I simply don’t buy it. Scan the products you use in your home. I think you’ll be really surprised.

Fortunately, though, Young Living has so many amazing alternatives! I have swapped out just about every product in my home for the safe, natural, and high-quality version that Young Living offers.


  • Thieves Cleaner - We have eliminated toxic household cleaners in our home and use the Thieves cleaning product line instead. Please just trust me, if you don’t already have it, you NEED Thieves Cleaner! The Thieves Cleaner is a highly concentrated bottle. You mix one capful of cleaner in a bottle of water, so the cost per bottle averages out to about 75 cents. Less than a dollar for an amazing, all-natural cleaner! How many other cleaning products can you use to clean your bathrooms, but would also be safe if accidentally sprayed onto your food? (You already know this, but the answer is none.) And it's highly effective and I just love it. It’s the only cleaner we use in our home, and I use it on every single surface, from granite to upholstery, hardwoods to bathtubs, carpets to lunchboxes.

  • Thieves Spray – This is one of my all-time favorite YL products. I keep it in my purse to spray down shopping carts and tables. It’s awesome!

  • Lemon – Lemon essential oil is simply amazing for cleaning. It removes all sorts of stains and residue. I also use it to clean glass and windows (15 drops of Lemon and a pinch of salt in a 4 oz glass spray bottle….magic!)

  • Thieves Laundry Soap - This laundry detergent gets our clothes nice and clean without the harmful ingredients and harsh chemicals you find in store-bought detergent. (Incidentally, if you’re still using dryer sheets, please consider stopping. They are one of the most toxic products in your home! Google it! We use wool dryer balls with a few drops of essential oils instead. Our clothes aren’t staticky and they smell so fresh.)

Personal Care

  • Oral care - Thieves Toothpaste and Mouthwash taste and work great, and are amazing for oral health.

  • Skincare - The skin is our body’s largest organ. What we put on it gets absorbed into our bloodstream. This matters, especially when it comes to kids! (Look up Johnson & Johnson baby products on your Think Dirty app…’s shocking.) My entire skincare regimen uses Young Living products. I love the ART Skin Care line. I also love the Boswellia Cream, Wolfberry Eye Cream, and Orange Blossom Face Wash. My husband loves the Shutran Shaving Cream. And now the Savvy Minerals MakeUp

  • Haircare – I use Young Living shampoo and conditioner.

Pet Care

  • I use essential oils for the dogs too! Many folks use them for horses and cats -- even barnyard animals.

  • Look at the amazing line of products from Animal Scents -- shampoo, ointment, oils, even dental chews!

  • Every time you can use an essential oil product is one less time you have to use a chemical that's potentially harmful to your family.

  • I use many of the essential oils, supplements, insect repellent and other products for my dogs. But if you're looking for a gentle way to introduce your pets to essential oils -- consider the Animal Scents

  • Be sure to see other blogs pots tagged for pets!

Nature’s Ultra

Supplements and Vitamins
Young Living has a huge line of high quality, highly effective supplements and vitamins. There are too many to list here, so spend some time with your Product Guide and see what would be perfect for you!

Energy and Antioxidants

You have to try Ningxia Red, Ningxia Nitro for the afternoon slump, or Ningxia Zyng when you want a beverage that doesn't contain all that sugar, calories & who knows what else that is so bad for fun!

Also, try adding a few drops of Essential Oils to your drinking water to help flush your systems and give the cells of your body a little TLC. Try Lemon & Peppermint, Tangerine, or Grapefruit as easy starts. Spearmint is another good one to try.

If you're drinking lots of caffeine, sodas, or other acidic drinks, now is a good time to scale back or stop altogether (I have!) and help your body take care of itself. EOs will help your body on the alkaline path.

Doing the “ditch and switch” was one of the most important things I’ve ever done for my health. Young Living makes it so easy, and affordable too!

One of the things I love the most -- is one-stop shopping for products that both I and the dog can use! When I combine my shopping experience, incentive rewards are even better. And I know I'm getting top quality, healthy products I can trust


Top 10 Essential Oils For Dogs


MightyVites is Safe for Dogs