Understanding Quality Of Essential Oils: And Why It Matters Most for Pets

The Quality of Essential Oils: Why "Seed to Seal" Matters

Essential oils have gained immense popularity in recent years for their potential therapeutic and aromatic benefits. However, not all essential oils are created equal, and the quality of these oils can significantly vary based on various factors. One company that has gained recognition for its commitment to quality is Young Living through their "Seed to Seal" approach. In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of this approach and explore various quality factors that set Young Living apart from many other retailers, including the ones commonly found at Walmart.

Two cute dogs looking out a car window

Adulterated Essential Oils

Adulteration in essential oils refers to the practice of diluting or altering pure essential oils with synthetic compounds, lower-quality oils, or additives. This adulteration can significantly impact the therapeutic properties and overall efficacy of the essential oil. Unfortunately, adulteration is a widespread issue within the essential oil industry. Essential oils purchased from certain retailers may be at a higher risk of being adulterated, compromising their quality and authenticity.

Young Living's "Seed to Seal" commitment addresses this concern by ensuring that their essential oils are pure and unadulterated. They carefully monitor every step of the production process to maintain the integrity and authenticity of their oils.

Synthetic Essential Oils

Synthetic essential oils are manufactured in a laboratory using artificial chemicals to mimic the aroma of natural essential oils. While they may smell similar, they lack the therapeutic properties and benefits that pure, natural essential oils possess. Some retailers might offer synthetic oils as a cheaper alternative, but they cannot replicate the holistic advantages of genuine essential oils.

Young Living emphasizes using natural, pure essential oils derived directly from plants through a meticulous, natural process, aligning with the principles of aromatherapy and holistic health.

Fractionated Essential Oils

Fractionated essential oils refer to oils that have been altered through the process of fractionation, where specific components of the oil are isolated or removed. While this process can enhance certain properties like shelf life or consistency, it often results in a product that deviates from the natural composition of the original essential oil.

Young Living's commitment to providing unaltered, whole essential oils ensures that consumers can experience the oils in their most authentic and natural state, maximizing their potential benefits.

Double Distilled Essential Oils

Double distillation involves the process of distilling the plant material twice to extract additional compounds or enhance the concentration of certain components within the oil. While this can create a potent essential oil, it should be noted that this process may also alter the oil's natural composition and potentially diminish some therapeutic qualities.

Young Living carefully considers the extraction methods to preserve the essential oils' natural composition, seeking to offer the most genuine and beneficial product to their customers.

Emphasizing "Seed to Seal"

Young Living's "Seed to Seal" approach encompasses a meticulous and thorough process that starts with carefully selecting the seeds and cultivating them in their own farms. This process continues through nurturing the plants, harvesting at the right time, and using precise distillation techniques to ensure the resulting essential oils are pure, potent, and authentic.

Not all brands prioritize this level of control and attention to detail in their production process. Many retailers may source their essential oils from various suppliers, making it difficult to guarantee the oils' authenticity and quality.

In conclusion, the quality of essential oils matters greatly in ensuring you reap the full benefits and therapeutic effects they offer. Young Living's "Seed to Seal" commitment sets a high standard, ensuring the purity and authenticity of their essential oils. By choosing a brand that prioritizes quality and transparency, you can have confidence in the essential oils you incorporate into your wellness routine.

Quality Essential Oils Matters Even More for Pets and Children

High-quality essential oils are especially important for pets like dogs and cats, and young children due to their unique physiological and biological differences compared to adult humans. These differences make them more sensitive to the effects, both positive and negative, of essential oils.

  1. Sensitivity and Size: Pets and young children are generally smaller in size compared to adult humans, which means their bodies are more sensitive to the concentration of substances, including essential oils. Even a small amount of highly concentrated essential oil can have a significant impact on a small body.

    1. This means you need to dilute appropriately. Less is more!

    2. You can also consider essential oils specially prepared for pets like the Animal Scents Line from Young Living.

  2. Metabolic Rate: Pets and young children often have higher metabolic rates than adults, which means their bodies process substances more rapidly. Essential oils can be metabolized and excreted more quickly, potentially leading to faster and more pronounced effects.

  3. Differing Physiology: Pets, especially cats and dogs, have different physiological systems compared to humans. Certain essential oils that are considered safe for humans may be inappropriate pets due to differences in their metabolism and liver function.

  4. Communication Barriers: Unlike adults, children and pets may not be able to communicate effectively if they experience discomfort or adverse effects from exposure to essential oils. This makes it crucial to prioritize safety and use only high-quality, properly diluted essential oils in their vicinity and to monitor your pets.

  5. Immature Immune Systems: Young children and puppies or kittens have developing immune systems that may not be as robust as those of adults. Exposure to impurities or synthetic additives present in low-quality essential oils can potentially strain their immune systems.

  6. Respiratory Sensitivity: Children and pets often have more sensitive respiratory systems. Low-quality essential oils, especially those containing synthetic compounds or impurities, can irritate their airways and cause breathing difficulties.

In essence, the quality and purity of essential oils are paramount when using them around children and pets to ensure their safety and well-being. It's vital to choose high-quality oils from reputable sources, use them sparingly and appropriately diluted, and consult a healthcare professional or veterinarian before using essential oils on or around children and pets. Safety should always be the top priority when incorporating essential oils into their environments.


How to Start Using Essential Oils for Dogs


Understanding Safety of Essential Oils for Dogs