Switching To A Raw Dog Food Diet

When you begin the transition between dry dog food (kibble) and adding in nutrient rich raw or lightly cooked dog food, your dog is going to detox quite a bit.

Depending on your dog’s age, exposure to environmental factors, frequency of vaccines, medical history & past medications, etc the duration, intensity, and method of detox may vary.

This is why we generally work to transition slowly — and to have your consultant (me) accessible. Detox could be more poop, loose stools, shedding, even some skin changes. This often causes people to panic and assume there’s an allergy. That’s usually not the case.

We have to be aware that what’s been going in, stored in the fat cells, and what the waste management system has been holding on to needs to leave the body in some way. It’s ok! It’s normal.

Switching to Raw Dog Food - Fasting

You may even find that your dog doesn’t eat all of his meals. He may skip a meal or two (self-fasting). Some of you will panic at this and automatically want to start feeding kibble again, and dressing up the new food with other options. We have to understand that when the body moves into these transitional phases, it may be detoxifying. That may mean your dog’s belly doesn’t feel good for a day or two. But it will adjust, and we can support it with supplements. Skipping a meal or two is no uncommon. Fasting is completely normal for dogs and he won’t become unwell, even if he misses a day or two. Healthy dogs will no starve themselves. They will adjust to eating what’s presented to them when they get hungry.

If your dog is unwell before we begin the transition, we will discuss a specific strategy if this occurs.

Switching to Raw Dog Food - Dislikes the food

Some of you are going think your dog doesn’t like the food. Seldom is this this case! Keep in mind, when you stop eating junk food, what do you crave? The foods you just gave up. Your dog may turn up his nose at first in the hopes that you’ll bring back the junk food. Don’t. Just like above, he will eat.

Notice I did say seldom :-) If we do find that your dog just isn’t loving the raw food, we need to evaluate texture, temperature, the transition process and maybe the choice of protein to ease our way forward. We want the transition to be enjoyable for the dog and without stress for you! It can be!

We may just need to support those systems with a slower transition, essential oils, or other supportive protocols for the digestive system. We can do this — I’ll be right there with you.

Inquiry Calls are free! But if you’re ready to schedule a consultation — I’ll be waiting :-)

Dana Brigman is a Raw Dog Food Specialist in North Myrtle Beach SC & Certified Canine Nutritionist. If you’re seeking support for choosing the best raw dog food or lightly cooked foods for your pet — it’s worth a consultation!


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