Importance of Your Dog's Nutrition

Importance of Your Dog's Nutrition

Dog Nutrition is a really big deal these days. And a multi-billion $ industry.

The food you feed your dog not only affects his health and longevity -- it affects his behavior and daily energy.

Marketing engines would have you believe kibble is nutritious. It’s really not. Sure there are some better than others, but do a little research (see below) and you’ll start to find information that troubles you (or should) about continuing to feed your dog kibble.

Fast Facts On Dog Nutrition:

  • Gut health contributes to about 80-90% of your dog's immunity support.

    • 1/3 of your dog’s daily energy is spent digesting kibble.

    • It takes about 15 hours for your dog’s body to break down kibble into usable energy. That means he’s digesting food 100% of the day if fed twice daily. It only takes a raw diet about 4.5 hours.

    • Fasting your dog 1/2 day per week gives the dog’s kidneys some much needed relieve from waste mgmt & improves overall digestion

    • When fed kibble your dog doesn’t have the enzymes needed to break down the nutrients -- and even if you switch to a raw food diet, his body isn’t current making the enzymes needed for real food! Thus, you need a transition diet to help prevent upset

    • A diet like Volhard rich in the proper vitamins and minerals won’t need to be supplemented with other nutrients unless your dog has other health issues or is aging -- and will help keep fleas and ticks away?

    • Today's kibble may contain GMO soybeans, GMO corn and perhaps even animal pieces and parts that come from unwell animals. Good marketing could split labeling to try to fool you regarding just how much soy and corn really is in the product. Read your labels.

Budget Friendly Dog Nutrition

Raw feeding became my food of choice a few of years ago. I really struggled thinking it was going to be too expensive. But the bottom line was it’s too expensive not to feed a fresh diet. I’ve offset supplement costs. I feed less food volume overall. Fewer vet visits. Less poop. I’m 100% convinced having a nutritionally healthy dog is why Howie (about 14 years old) did so well in a recent surgical procedure. (Howie lived to 20. and Huey is currently over night (2025)).

If you’re on the fence about switching to raw let’s explore toppers and whole food vitmains and minerals as a much needed nutrition boost.

I am not a veterinarian or a vet tech, but I am certified in canine nutrition and I do have years of experience feeding dogs, training dogs and troubleshooting the effects of food on behavior and energy levels. I can’t stress enough that not all dogs are alike and not all foods are alike. Some foods work great for some dogs and some foods are just toxic. I do try and help people make an informed decision about the food they feed their dogs. The final choice will always be yours.

Do your research! Dig into the ingredients of the food you’e evaluating. Call the company and ask questions. Ask other dog mamas and ask me. I will help you evaluate any food and support your choice when you have truly evaluated the food.

Feed your dog not bowl by bowl, but to thrive for years and be happy. Feed them so they can look and function as they were bred to be. Feed them so they can perform any task. Feed them so they can live longer. Feed them so they are healthier. Feed them so you can spend more time with them and less time vacuuming up their fur and taking them to the vet.


Not ready to take my word for it — Ok

Watch what Dr. Nancy Brandt (DVM) & Founder of Veterinary Medical AromaTherapy Has to say about the evolution of dog nutrition

A Documentary on Pet Food:

Also, check Netflix for a new Documentary called Pet Fooled

Sue Thixton’s Website The Truth about Pet Food is a great resource to open your eyes.


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