Titer Testing Before Vaccinating Your Dog

Dog in Sunglasses After Titer Testing

Titer Tests

A Simple Bood test can help you prevent overvaccinating your dog.

Get it done!


Titer Testing For Dogs

Titer testing is a method used to determine the level of immunity of a dog to a particular disease. The test measures the level of antibodies in the dog's blood and provides an indication of whether the dog is protected against the disease or if they need to be vaccinated.

A titer test is conducted by taking a blood sample from the dog and then measuring the level of antibodies in the sample. The results of the test can be used to determine if the dog has previously been exposed to the disease or if they have been vaccinated against it. Some veterinarians will argue that low-level antibody results require revaccination or a “booster”. Our holistic vets tell us you’re either producing antibodies or not — and any level of antibodies offers protection and the dog should not be vaccinated.

Titer testing is a relatively new procedure and is not widely adopted by vets or state laws for Rabies. It is not always available at all veterinary clinics, and often when it is, they want to charge you an exorbitant fee. Dr. Jean Dodds and Dr. John Robb both have programs to offer titers for more reasonable costs. You simply have to get a blood draw from your vet and send in the sample. Follow Protect The Pets For More Info On Titering

Did you know veterinarians Titer themselves before receiving taking an additional Rabies Vaccine “booster” after their initial required dosage?

Animal Researcher Dr. Ronald Shultz says, " Few or no scientific studies have demonstrated a need for cats or dogs to be revaccinated". Dr. Shultz published an Ideal (But Not Proven) immunization schedule in 1978 for dogs and cats and followed up with research where dogs were challenged with exposure to Distemper, Adenovirus and Parvovirus, anywhere from 1 year to 11 years after vaccination. Every single dog was protected when exposed to the virus.

Read More on How Long Dog Vaccines Last & The Risk of Overvaccination For Dogs


Risks of Overvaccination In Dogs


The Rabies Vaccine For Dogs