Resolve Your Dog's Car Sickness

Does Your Dog have Motion Sickness?

Does Your Dog Have Anxiety In the Car?

Car Sickness Is not fun for anyone. You or the dog. Many years ago I took a road trip with Red, a young pitbull who threw up 13 times between Pinehurst NC and Philadelphia PA. It was a nightmare. No matter what I did, it failed. The thought of driving home with him after that trip created anxiety for me ~ because my friends ~ I am by far the worst with that sort of thing. If you get my drift. So we were both miserable.

There are generally two issues at play. Car Sickness (Motion Sickness) or Car Anxiety. Some dogs have one or the other. Some have both.

Let’s start to take a look at these issues.

Car Sickness In Dogs:

Many people don't realize that dogs can get car sick just like humans. If your dog is panting, drooling, whining, or vomiting in the car, they may be suffering from car sickness / motion sickness. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to help your dog feel better on car rides.

At minimum secure them with a safety harness and seat belt. Don’t let them pace around.

To Feed or Not to Feed Before the Ride

You may have to experiment with your dog regarding eating before your trip. Some dogs will do better on an empty stomach and others will do better with a very light meal that includes some freshly grated ginger or ginger tincture.

Be sure your dog gets some long breaks during the trip to exercise and settle.  Be sure to offer water during the drive and at the stops.   The stress, especially if he’s panting will contribute to the dehydration.  Take some ice chips with you.  You might even consider taking some watermelon to help keep him hydrated as a special treat when you get out o the car.  I prefer to include some Ningxia Red for hydration purposes too.

Desensitizing Your Dog To Car Rides

Some of you will not know your dog has a problem in the car, until he has a problem in the car! For some, they may tolerate a short ride to the park easily, but put them out on the interstate and it’s a different story! This approach will help both the motion sickness and the anxiety.

You will need to do some exercises before your next road trip. Some of you are going to resist the effort this takes — but it’s worth it.

  • Feed your dog his meals in the car for a while. Some of you will argue — “he won’t eat”. He might not at first, but he will. Your first step may be a bowl of food on the floorboard with the doors open.

  • Get in the car and sit with your dog — make a few phone calls, read a book, scroll TikTok. Just be in the car without turning it on and with driving anywhere. Do this many times, for many days.

  • Turn the car on in the driveway (not your garage!) and sit to read for a while. Let him adjust to the notion of the car starting and running without motion.

  • After a few days, maybe a week +, back out of the driveway and right back in. Do several repetitions. Get out, take a walk, get treat, etc.

  • Progress to driving around the block. Get out take a walk, Repeat. Go Inside.

  • Progress to driving to the park. Get out take a walk, Go home.

  • You get the idea. You cannot expect a great road trip if you cannot drive around the neighborhood without the puddles of drool and trembling.

Natural Remedies For Your Dog’s Motion Sickness

CBD for Motion Sickness

  • Be sure to read my blog on the differences between CBD & Hemp.

  • Read More on CBD for Dogs

    • "Significant changes in several stress-related measures (serum cortisol, mean ear temperature, heart rate, heart rate variability, whining and a stressed/anxious behavioral factor) were observed from baseline to test, with the car journey test paradigm eliciting a more pronounced stress response overall. The mitigating effect of CBD treatment varied by measure and test, with some indicating a significant reduction in canine stress compared to the placebo group. Additional research is required to fully understand the complex effect of CBD on canine wellbeing." -

Herbal Tincture For Motion sickness

  • you may be able to buy, but it’s not hard to make at home, though you may not have time.

    • If he’s having nausea –  In my arsenal, I’d choose ginger essential oil or a Digestive Blend Essential Oil

    • Ginger has proven to be as effective for car sickness as Dramamine. Read More on the Benefits of Ginger

    • How to Make An Herbal Tincture

Essential Oils For Motion Sickness:

Oils that help with Digestive Upset and Nausea include: Ginger, Peppermint, Fennel. You can make a blend or use them individually. I personally would use a neat application to 50% dilution — but you can adjust as needed and make your own diluted blend with any carrier.

They also make small USB Car diffusers that might help and silicone hangers for crates. Oils that will help with calming the anxiety include etiver, Valarian, Cedarwood, Lavender, Frankincense all come to mind. 

Homeopathy For Motion Sickness:

    • Remember Homeopathy & Essential oils should be delivered at least 30-60 minutes apart / not simultaneously.

    • Aconite homeopathy 30c can help with panic

    • Nux Vomica 30c can help with digestive symptoms as well

    • Argentum nitricum 30 chelps with anxiety during travel too

    • Choose your remedy / remedies — and dose approximately 1/2 hour before your go, immediately upon entry to the car, and then every 1-2 hours for up to 4 hours.

Flower Essences For Motion Sickness

  • Rescue Remedy – Flower Essence


In a Pinch: you can try Dramamine. 2-4mg per pound. Get yourself out of a jam for a long road trip with this — but then do the work when you get back home to fix the root issue.

 If you follow these tips, you should be able to help your dog enjoy car rides instead of dreading them


My Anxiety Relief Guide


The Difference Between Sam/E and Milk Thistle


How To Make An Herbal Tincture